The mission of Kitsap Legal Services is to improve access to legal services in civil law matters for low-income residents of Kitsap County at no cost through work by attorneys and community volunteers.
Recognizing the need for increased access to justice for indigent peoples of Kitsap County a group of attorneys formed Kitsap Legal Services in 1989 to provide free legal services to low income individuals of Kitsap County who are facing civil legal issues.
KLS was originally housed as a program within the YWCA and later with KCR. KLS became an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in 2002. For 29 years, Kitsap Legal Services operated with two staff members annually assisting hundreds of clients. In 2021, Governor Jay Inslee signed Senate Bill 5160, making Washington the first state to grant low income tenants the right to an attorney in eviction proceedings. Kitsap Legal Services was selected to provide these services for tenants in Kitsap County. As a result, our office expanded from an Executive Director and Program Coordinator to include two staff attorneys, a Legal Assistant, and a Program Assistant. Kitsap Legal Services continues to partner with the YWCA, KCR, and many other non-profits and agencies in Kitsap County to provide aid to those in need.